Our wonderful volunteers talk about their experiences volunteering with families and young people. Read more about our volunteers and their experiences below.
During National Volunteers Week, to celebrate our wonderful volunteers and all they to support children, young people and their families, we took them on a canal boat trip. A great time was had by all, it was fantastic to meet in person and celebrate their important contribution and commitment.
Thank you to everyone who came along and helped to make the outing so special.
We were delighted that our Wellbeing Volunteer Adrian was presented with a TOP Award. Adrian has been a Family Support Volunteer with Northorpe since October 2015. During that time, he has shown an amazing capacity to support those families he has been matched with. He is driven to ensure that young people and their parents are able to get the best out of his support, always being flexible and understanding of family needs and circumstances.
Adrian uses a range of techniques, and as a professional Coach he brings those skills to help support parents to develop an understanding of how they might best support their children, or indeed how they might best live a fuller life. Adrian has a way of looking at his family matches that reflects the Thriving Kirklees whole family approach, and very confidently enables parents to have the opportunity to be involved without compromising the confidentiality of the young person.
"The help my volunteer gave me has helped me so much. I couldn't thank him enough for what he's done for me. Adrian you're a legend!"
"My son gained the ability and confidence to use public transport independently with the volunteer support and help. Keep up the fantastic work!"
"10/10 scores for all service aspects - Adrian never let him down, he did what he said and gave my son a lot of time, it worked really well, real improvements made, helped a lot with CV."
"Being a Family Wellbeing Volunteer at Northorpe Hall has helped me see where I want to be in my working life. Previously, I worked in dementia support, but volunteering with families and young people has made me see what a difference I can make."
"I supported a mum to venture out of her own home. Previously this mum had been subject to domestic abuse and this had left her terrified to go out into the local community.
I helped her to build her confidence. We practised going out together, shopping and going to appointments.
Gradually mum learnt to overcome her fears and is now able to collect her children from school, shop for fresh food and take the children to the local park."
"I supported a young person on the autistic spectrum to go on outings to support his independence and social skills.
The young person was passionate about trains, so we took many a ride to town using both busses and trains. We visited places of interest, had a drink and a chat in order to experience independent travel. This was the first time he had ever been out without a family member. He learnt to pay for his own things, to ask for his drink and snack and to show his bus pass when required.
I taught him about the Safe Places scheme and practised this to prepare him for travelling in the future. He learnt new social skills. His family learnt that he can be further supported to develop his independence."