
Self Harm Word Cloud e.g. School Pressure, Bullying, Body Image, Sexuality, Anxiety, Low Self Esteem...

1 in 12 young people will self harm

Did you know that at least 1 in 12 young people will self-harm at some point in their lives? That's a lot of young people, at least 2 in each class!

Self-harm can be a very secretive behaviour and something that people can find very difficult to talk about.

Through the campaign #LetsTalkAboutSelfHarm we want to raise awareness, increase understanding, get people talking and promote helpful responses.

Self Harm Icebery Image by

Shared experiences

Young people in Kirklees have shared their experiences and ideas to create 2 new leaflets to help to start the conversation about self-harm.

Please click on the links below to have a look at the new leaflets:

If you would like printed copies of the leaflets, please contact us and let us know how many you need and where you would like them to be posted.

We also have some information sessions for parents and carers and workshops for young people about self-harm and lots of other emotional health topics.

Other helpful links and resources: