Support for children and young people

photo of a girl sitting in front of window on phone

We offer private therapeutic counselling, sometimes referred to as talking therapy, for children and young people aged 5 to 25, parents and carers. Our counsellors are registered with the British Association of Counselling Practitioners (BACP) and specialise in children's mental health. You won't have to wait long to see someone and, depending on your circumstances, it may be possible to obtain support free of charge. For an initial discussion or to book an appointment today, please phone 01924 492183.

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photo of 4 young people in an outdoor setting

We offer peer group support and workshops on a range of topics throughout the year. These take place in the beautiful Northorpe grounds and provide a safe space to focus on your wellbeing.

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photo of black woman sitting with two students.  she is listening to them

We offer mentoring support to young people aged 10 to 19 living in Kirklees. Our experienced mentors work with and train volunteers who then work with young people who are facing complex and challenging circumstances affecting their wellbeing, development and future. We also work within local schools to train peer mentors. This service is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

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photo of a boy sitting on a bench with head down - seems thoughtful

We offer practical and therapeutic support to children and young people, aged 3 to 21 years, who have experienced domestic abuse and are not in a place of safety. On referral to the Trust, weekly counselling is provided to help the child or young person stay safe, manage strong feelings such as anger or anxiety and maintain positive relationships with caregivers, professionals and peers. This service is funded by the Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership.

photo of woman and child on sofa laughing while using a tablet device

We provide therapeutic support to children and young people up to the age of 21 years who are in the care of their local authority. The objective of this support is to promote emotional wellbeing, assist with the development of positive relationships and ensure they are equipped emotionally to achieve their potential. This service is funded by Kirklees.