Volunteering at Northorpe

Image of a woman welcoming a young boy by a high five

We place huge importance on volunteering at Northorpe Hall and offer opportunities for both adults and young people. Depending on your skills and experience you could be:

  • Working alongside site volunteers who keep our grounds, gardens and buildings in tip-top condition.
  • Involved in fundraising events like our annual Christmas fundraiser or Wellbeing festival.
  • Helping to define and improve the services we offer and participating or leading social action projects.
  • Providing mentoring and emotional wellbeing support to children, young people and families
  • Helping us build websites, manage communications or deliver projects.

In return for your time and expertise, we provide training, support and supervision. We pay out of pocket expenses and you’ll work alongside colleagues who, like you, want to make a real difference to lives of the children, young people and families we support.

Logo for the Kirklees Volunteering Quality Award Programme

Kirklees Volunteering Quality Award

We are very proud to have achieved the Kirklees Volunteering Quality Award, demonstrating commitment to our volunteers and ensuring we meet all the criteria of this quality assurance scheme.

Getting Involved

You don't need to prior experience to be a volunteer as we'll provide appropriate support and training if necessary. Typically, we're looking for people with a positive 'can-do' mindset and the motivation to make a difference to the lives of the children, young people and families we support. You might want to get involved based on your personal experiences or you may be interested in understanding more about mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Our Youth Voice Project Logo

Our Youth Voice group, meets between 5 and 7pm on the first Monday of the month (alternative arrangements made where this is a bank holiday). The group are actively involved in designing the services we offer at Northorpe Hall and regularly participate in social action or research projects. If you are aged between 13 and 21 and want to join Youth Voice please register your interest using the button below.

Register your interest
Photo of 4 young people receiving certificates of achievement

Photo Voice is a recent social action project which challenges participants to answer the question 'what does a good day look like for me'. Our Youth Voice Group and Leaders used their phones to capture images that represented a 'good day' with the group meeting regularly to discuss their reasons for taking a specific photo. All voices were heard and there were no right or wrong answers. At the end of the project, the photos were exhibited at Northorpe and the exhibition will start touring schools in the area soon.


Parent & Community Voice volunteers ensure that the needs of parents and families in our community are understood and acted on. They get involved in a wide range of initiatives at the Trust including organising our annual Christmas Hamper Appeal and our Chill N Chat sessions for parents and carers. They also spend time in schools and community organisations promoting the work that we do, fundraising and gathering much needed insight on the support that is needed. If you are interested in joining Parent & Community Voice, please register your interest using the button below

Register your interest
photo of a woman smiling and wearing a grey volunteer T shirt

Our Youth Mentors and Emotional Wellbeing volunteers help young people and families who are in the care of the Trust. In both roles you'll be helping young people, parents and carers deal with challenges associated with emotional wellbeing or mental health. These are highly rewarding roles and appropriate training and supervision is provided. To register your interest, please use the button below.

Register your interest
Photo of a young woman with dark hair. She is wearing glasses.

Sonia - Emotional Wellbeing volunteer "I worked with a mum who had been subject to domestic abuse. This had left her terrified leave the house. My job was to help her build back her confidence and by accompanying her on shopping trips and appointments, over time, mum learned to overcome her fears and is now able to collect her children from school, shop for food and take her children to the park."